Donnerstag, Dezember 28, 2006

Essays on Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead"
Der Bücherliste neu zugefügt wurde Robert Mayhews Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead. Das Ayn Rand Bookstore schreibt über dieses Buch:

In this unique study of Ayn Rand's first best-selling novel, Dr. Robert Mayhew brings together historical, literary and philosophical essays that analyze The Fountainhead's style, its use of humor, and its virtues of productivity, independence, and integrity. The essays make extensive use of previously unpublished material from the Ayn Rand Archives, offering a new collection of material to explore and consider. This book leads through the creation, publication, and reception of the 1943 novel that made Rand famous. Mayhew's collection of essays offers an insightful and critical perspective on The Fountainhead, and is a necessary read for anyone interested in Ayn Rand and great American literature.

B. John Bayer
Michael Berliner
Andrew Bernstein
Tore Boeckmann
Jeff Britting
Onkar Ghate
Robert Mayhew
Shoshana Milgram
Amy Peikoff
Richard Ralston
Dina Schein
Tara Smith
Leonard Peikoff

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